
5 Reasons Why You Still Have Acne as a Grown Man

Acne for men

If you are a teenager and you have severe acne, it is something everyone understands. But if you are now paying a mortgage and you still have pimples on your face, it’s annoying. And it also sometimes takes a toll on your confidence as a full-grown man.

The Canadian Dermatology Association reported that 20 to 30 % of grown-ups in the country between the ages of 20 to 40 are struggling with acne problems. This skin problem is one of the most prevalent in the country but it does not mean that you have to endure it until you get much older. Learn what causes acne among adult men and how you can take action to treat it.

Acne is a skin problem that happens when the pores get clogged by a combination of dead skin cells, sebum or oil, and bacteria. It shows up in women in more, but men can also get those inflamed bumps, and sometimes they are there to stay. 

Men frequently get breakouts on the face and back. People cannot see the pimples on your back, but the ones on your face can sometimes be difficult to manage. What causes acne to haunt you even beyond your teenage years? Here are some you might want to take note of:

  1. It is in the family. Heredity plays a role in whether you will get them as a teen and an adult or not. If your father has them when he was younger, chances are, you are going to get those pesky pustules too. It is infuriating, but not altogether hopeless. Seeing a dermatologist will help manage hereditary acne.
  1. You have a highly stressful life. Stress is an all-rounder when it comes to wreaking havoc to our body systems. If you have been battling deadlines and your nagging boss all week, chances are, you are going to see some new bumps here and there. When you are anxious, your body produces cytokines as immune system response. Cytokines are a large group of proteins, glycoproteins, or peptides that functions as inflammatory markers. They trigger oil production and with that, pimple breakouts.

Remember to have time to rest whenever you are encountering prolonged highly-stressful situations. You can face stress, but make sure you have decompression activities to release those anxiety levels. From something as simple as squeezing a stress ball to having routine meditation or physical activity in the morning or watching funny videos during break time, have an activity that can trigger your happy hormones.

  1.  You are not using the right cleaning products. Check the skin-cleansing products that you are using. Avoid buying those that can dry up your skin. Dry skin can cause your body to respond with even more oils, and you do not want excess oils! For your face, your cleaning regimen must involve a mild facial wash, an anti-acne creams (preferably prescribed by your dermatologist), and a moisturizer. For your back breakouts, make sure you get a gentle non-comedogenic soap or body wash. 

A basic regimen can mean that you have to wash-up twice a day, in the morning, and in the evening. Use warm water as much as possible. Wash your face using a facial cleanser and clear all suds. Lightly pat your face with a clean towel. Apply your cream and finally, gently rub moisturizer on your face to hydrate it.

  1. You are loading your body with the wrong food. Pizza? Burger? Pasta? Fries? Men tend to load up on foods rich in oil and refined carbohydrates. Even though these kinds of foods satisfy your taste buds and stomachs, it will not be very fulfilling later on once you see their effect on your face. If you have severe acne, avoid anything rich in sugar and refined carbohydrates. Foods included in this category are bread, pastries, desserts, pasta, and noodles made with white flour, white rice, sodas, or highly-sugared drinks. Refined sugars and carbohydrates increase insulin levels, which is not good for acne. Insulin triggers androgen production. This makes the skin grow rapidly and it also increases the production of oils. Avoid eating these foods frequently. 
  1. Your medications may be triggering acne. Some drugs can produce acne or acne-like inflammations and eruptions. Medicines like lithium, corticosteroids, barbiturates, androgenic steroids, and anticonvulsants may trigger this kind of reaction. Call a doctor or a dermatologist if you are taking any of these medications but would want to treat your acne.

If you do not have any family doctor or skin specialist, you can start by contacting one through online platforms. There is a lot of online doctor BC specialists in online clinics. Try consulting without leaving your home.

Adult acne can be irritating to have, but it is something that can be managed with the proper lifestyle change and expert advice from licensed medical professionals or dermatologists. Change your life. Start treating your acne today.

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